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2. Thur 8/22/13: Market Selection & Entry Strategy+ Integration of Business Strategies & Marketing Strategies, Worldwide



o    Can/should an English firm founded in 1849 enter global markets via a JV?

o    Why hasn’t Boots expanded outside the UK up to now?

o    How different is Japan’s market from what Boots is serving now?

o    Is Boots’ direction potentially lucrative for them?

·         Key Learning Objectives

o    An understanding of the issues firms face when entering global markets

o    An appreciation that both very old and very new firms can “go global”

o    Insights into particular culture traits that companies often face in new markets


Boots YouTube Video:

Boots Facebook Page:

Boots Twitter Feed:

Wix Mobile Link:


1. Tues 8/20/13: Introduction to Global Marketing Management

o    Get our feet wet in global waters

o    Get to know one another

o    Set the course, goals and requirements for the adventure ahead




19 August - 25 August


  • Team formation

  • Team seating

  • Discuss Skyepack

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